Tuesday, 20 November 2012

2012 CB Radio London user map

Note this this map has only a fraction of the real total of active breakers in London,i'd say 1/2 of the amount but still it's a starting point,over 100 markers on this map.

View London CB Radio Breakers 2012 map in a larger map

Monday, 19 November 2012

A 2 element wire yagi for cb

This is a direct connect 2 element wire yagi for the UK cb band,the wire is 1mm and the coax connects directly to the driven element,it's 50ohm match,all measurements are in meters,the SWR is below 1.5 across the whole uk cb 40 channels.

                       Position         Length

  Reflector           0                5.380m
  Driven            1.900m         5.122m

Gain : 4.21dbd
F/B : 10.15db

CB radio getting interference ?

Have read of this Site

Is cb radio still used in London ?

The answer is yes all over London it's still being used.

CB Radios now have Ctcss

Anyone that's been off cb radio for a while should know that some cb radios now have ctcss which is great to block the fools out if you want a private chat or don't want to listen to them. People might ask why anyone would want a cb radio in this day and age and that is a good point with all what we have now but anyone that's been on cb radio will know of that feeling you get when using cb compared to the internet chat rooms,it's like sugar and sweetener,one tastes great and the other is a fake that came along later ; )

You don't need a licence for CB radio anymore

You don't need to hold a Wireless Telegraphy (WT) Act licence in order to operate Citizens’ Band Radio equipment, providing that the equipment is operated in accordance with the WT (Exemption) (Amendment) Regulations 2006
